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Kids Cotton Washable Face Mask Reusable Cloth Face Covering with Slot for Filter-Pink Tie Dye

Kids Cotton Washable Face Mask Reusable Cloth Face Covering with Slot for Filter-Pink Tie Dye

$18.00 $1.00
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Kids reusable and washable cloth face masks:
-Fits Ages 3-9
-100% Cotton
-Stylish Tie Dye (due to the nature of tie dye print, every piece will be slightly different)
-Two layers
-Breathable Fabric
-Slot For Filter (Mask includes ONE filter, more filters can be purchased separately)
-If a filter is inserted, it is suggested to discard the filter after each use
-Adjustable Elastic Ear Straps
-Reusable and Washable
-Made in the USA
-Not medical grade
-All sales are final. No returns or exchanges on face masks.


During these unprecedented and difficult times, we have been thinking long and hard about what we can do to help protect the community.

The CDC has recommended the use of of cloth face masks and some cities have required the use of cloth face masks when you enter essential businesses or are around other people to help stop the spread.

As we navigate through this new reality, many of you may be in need of cloth face masks to help protect yourself and to protect others. We are now offering cloth face masks that are washable, reusable.... and of course, fashionable too!

Our goal is to help the community in stopping the spread. And to give to those in need. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Food Banks through “Feeding America”. Remember, WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER. STAY SAFE!


The CDC recommends wearing homemade cloth face coverings in public settings. “A cloth face covering should be worn whenever people are in a community setting, especially in situations where you may be near people. These settings include grocery stores and pharmacies.” Cloth face coverings are not N95 respirators, which are reserved for health care workers and medical first responders.

“The CDC advises the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others.”

“Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children younger than 2 years of age, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cover without assistance.”

*Disclaimer: These masks are not medically rated, are NOT for professional use in a surgical or clinical setting and are not FDA approved. These masks have not been proven to protect against any viruses but are intended to help stop the spread.


Should cloth face coverings be washed regularly?
Yes. Wash after each use.

How do you clean a cloth face covering?
Machine wash.

How do you safely remove a used cloth face covering?
Remove it from the ear loops. Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing the face covering and wash hands immediately after removing.

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